Smart decisions today,
make for better business tomorrow.
You can't ignore After Care - it's a critical element of your business!
Smart developers have realised that After Care is so much more than a footnote to the build process. How you handle it will make the difference between a satisfactory conclusion to your next development, or a costly reputational disaster. Those businesses who fail to recognise this walk a dangerous tight rope.
Consumers expect a professional service and any attempt to compromise will lead to higher costs and a distraction to daily business.
After Build provide cost-effective new homes After Care, managed by experts and based on three fundamental truths. This approach provides developers with a professional service to support their customers while meeting warranty obligations and keeping costs under control.
The fundamental truths of
professional After Care.



Your customer will judge you as much on the quality of your post-sales service, as they will the standard of your build. And they will treat you harshly if your After Care fails to provide the support your warranty expects of you. This means having a process that can handle and support all reported defects.
Properly assess the real cost of your After Care programme (system AND people) and ensure that it's delivering the best possible value for every plot you complete. Manage cost to include taking every occupant reported issue, organising contractor's appointments and generating internal management data to track your progress.
A poor service will always lead to complaints, often involving the potentially destructive use of social media. This causes a costly distraction to your business and ultimately, reputational damage, adversely affecting future sales.
How does After Build work and what does it cost?
Take a moment to watch the video

Find out more
Designed for London exclusive developments,
... the last word in service.
Simply the most cost-effective After Care available to all UK developments.
A hybrid service to manage properties at developments in administration.
Reliable out of hours emergency cover for voids and/or occupied plots.
* Option to include out of hours emergency cover.

Look at the benefits!
The price is fixed, no matter how many defects we manage
We also provide Out of Hours Emergency cover
We're a national service
Our team is trained to warranty build standards
We can manage anything from 5 to 1,000 plots
We will pick up a development with existing occupations
Our technology is second to none
Our track record is over 20+ years of successful service delivery
Increasingly the new homes sector is realising the crucial importance of professional After Care. After Build's service is the number 1 solution for many developers.