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After care for developments
in Administration.

In such a challenging and difficult economy, some developers have just found it impossible to carry on - maybe they have exhausted their funding or cannot see how to achieve completion.

It's difficult for everyone, not least for those who have purchased and occupy a property on such a development. 

After Build has a great deal of experience in managing situations like this and have developed a service designed to assist an Administrator to finish a development and sell plots to generate cash.

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How it works.

Selling a completed property requires a recognised 10 year warranty and, that will stipulate a requirement to provide an after care service during the first 2 years from the date of legal completion (the Builders Rectification Period).

This may be very difficult to arrange in  the circumstances. You may have already reduced staff overheads and the likelihood that contractors will still be available is slim. So putting an after care service together is almost impossible.

Our package takes full account of these limitations and enables you to move forward knowing that both existing customers (occupied properties still within the first 2 years) and future customers will receive an after care service.

Here's how it works:

  • We will take every call for 2 years

  • Our service price is fixed (regardless of call volume)

  • We will find alternative contractors to work with

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We have access to a vast quantity of data accumulated by our system over the last 20 years.


This means we can assess the current statistical probability of volume and type of defects likely to be reported by a new home owner in the first 2 years. Using this we can calculate the 'likely' cost of rectifying these issues and build a detailed budget for you to base decisions on.


Our management fee is fixed however the sum set aside to fund contractors is ultimately your decision and we will work with whatever you decide.


As Administrator you may wish to allocate more, or less budget than we calculate, based on the size of the development and the age of any existing occupied properties.


Want to know more about our Administrators After Care service?

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